An Open Letter to Select Softball Players Playing High School Ball
High School season are in full swing and we wanted to check in with you ladies! First, we are PROUD of every single one of you! If you made Varsity, JV, or C team, CONGRATS! If you didn’t make a team we are proud of you for having the confidence to try out! As you are going through your High School season, we are still here for you. If you have quick questions (mental game, situations, time management, etc.), shoot an email to your instructor! If you want a quick refresher on form, drop in for a Power Hitting session! We want to help you continue to grow through your High School season, so you are ready to play come summer.
You have all become more positive, confident, and mentally tough throughout off-season training. Continue that growth through every aspect of your life! Never let who you are playing for, or playing with, change your positive mentality or your work ethic! Here are a few tips for some negative comments we have heard from many ladies about high school ball:
"I don’t like my coach/My coach doesn’t like me": Never play for a coach. Play for yourself, and the reasons you love the game. See this experience as preparation for your future! You will have a coach/boss you don’t like in the future. Learn how to deal with it now, so you have it mastered when it really matters (at a job or playing in college). Spend your time focused on the positives of the team and why you love softball, rather than complaining about coach.
"I don’t know why ‘she’s’ on varsity and I’m not": Is your focus on you, or someone else? When we start looking to our left and right and thinking we have the right to judge the talent of others, it takes your time/effort/energy away from you and puts it somewhere else! You think she has your spot? Well now you are giving her this too! Keep your focus on yourself, this is the only way you will become the best player you can possibly be.
"I’m not playing if I don’t make varsity": Remember why you play! High School ball is a chance to represent your school, and community. It gives you an opportunity to have fun playing with friends from school who you usually don’t play with. It gives you an opportunity to work on your leadership and team skills. YOU CAN DO ALL OF THESE THINGS ON ANY H.S. TEAM, not just varsity.
"My coach messed up my swing": NOT POSSIBLE! You have worked hard over the offseason to become the player you are today. Changing things, developing things, takes time. Nothing can be said that can mess you up in just one month. You guys are students of the game. You know how to decipher information, take in what is important, trash what is not. That simple! And remember… No matter what, if someone is trying to help always say THANK YOU!
"I don’t want to play that position": Be versatile, be selfless. Be the player that puts the TEAM FIRST. Know your role, own your role, do it better than it has ever been done. Be grateful for the opportunity to even get to play softball!
Long story short… CONTROL THE CONTROLLABLES! You have control of your effort and attitude. You have control of how you act and react. You have control of your goals and your perception of every experience. High School ball is about HAVING FUN! Nothing more, nothing less. So smile, laugh, make new friends, and represent your school the best way you can!